Submission and Instructions

Forms & Instructions:

Submission Form 

Sampling Lawns and Gardens (A2166)

Applications: Home lawns, home vegetable and flower gardens, non-commercial fruit crops, landscape trees and shrubs.

Standard Analysis:$15 per sample. Includes soil pH, organic matter %, phosphorus and potassium.

Includes lime and fertilizer recommendations.

Optional: | Soluble Salts: $7 per sample| Physical Analysis (USDA percent sand, silt, and clay): $23 per sample | Calcium and Magnesium $3 per sample |

Lead testing is also available for $30 per sample.

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For  plant disease, turf disease, and nematodes please check the Dept. of Plant Pathology .

For insect problems please check with the Insect Diagnostic Lab.

For turf issues, beyond soil testing,  please check with the Turf Diagnostics Lab.